Upcoming Events and Screenings

Photography Workshop
Photographer and videographer TJ Walkup offers a photography workshop in collaboration with the North Bay Rose Society. Learn how to take beautiful photos of roses using basic tools and a smartphone. Learn more about light, composition, and perspective from a professional photographer in a fun and supportive environment!
American Rose Society Photography Judge, Marin Rose Society Member, and career educator Betty Mott will also be there to review the principles of successful rose show competition and photography.
Love Your Community - Group Art Show
A collaborative group art show featuring Vallejo 2nd Friday Artwalk & Temple Art Lofts resident artists.

Annual Yerba Buena Odd Fellows Art Show Opening
The Yerba Buena Lodge #15 of the International Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF) invites you to it’s annual art show featuring the following artists (and others):
Francesco Rosato
Richard L. Perri
Christoper Craig
TJ Walkup
Anne Leong
26 7th Street (basement)
San Francisco, CA
Wine and light refreshments will be available.
The show continues Saturday 11/16 and Sunday 11/17 from 11 am to 5 pm.
Youth Arts Activist Communications Klass
This free art class and workshop will be held Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays throughout the month of April 2024. Available to Vallejo residents ages 13 to 16.
See omnificpictures.com/artclass for more details and location.
Pre-registration is required.
Generations Film Screening
A free film screening of Generations, a film by TJ Walkup, will be presented during downtown Vallejo’s monthly Art Walk. Read more about the film at omnificpictures.com/generations